UN talks seeking to slow the march of destructive global warming ran far into extra time on Saturday as host Qatar sought to broker an end to the stand-off between rich and poor nations on funding.
After a long night of haggling, conference chairman Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah of Qatar called negotiators to a meeting where he urged them to consider a set of compromise agreements.
"I believe that this is a package that we can all live with and which is also good for our planet and future generations," he told the delegates from nearly 200 countries, including dozens of cabinet ministers.
"The time has come for the final push," he said, and gave the teams 90 minutes to reconsider their positions.
Negotiators in Doha must extend the greenhouse gas-curbing Kyoto Protocol as an interim measure to rein in climate change and smooth the way to a new, global pact due to take effect in 2020.
But the issue of funding to help poor countries deal with the fallout from global warming and convert to more environmentally friendly energy sources has hamstrung discussions in Doha.
Developed countries are being pressed to show how they intend to keep a promise to raise climate funding for poorer nations to $US100 billion ($A95.8 billion) a year by 2020 - up from a total of $30 billion in 2010-12.
Developing countries say they need at least another $60 billion between now and 2015 - starting with $20 billion from next year - to deal with a climate change-induced rise in droughts, floods, rising sea levels and storms.
But the US and European Union have refused to put concrete figures on the table for 2013-2020, citing tough financial times.